Monday, August 17, 2015

A few bumps in the road...heartbroken

As I sit and write this blog entry, my heart is heavy.  Today, the decision was made to pull Duke from the school program. 

(Take a deep breath) Duke is a wonderfully magnificent dog.  Duke is loving, silly, comforting, and understanding.  Unfortunately, my students will never get to see this side of him.  Duke did well bonding within our family and did well working in the general public, but has not adjusted well  to the school setting.  We believe he was first spooked when a child snuck up behind him and grabbed his tail.  Things went downhill from there.  Another child stole his treats and tried to antagonize him and get him to bite/bark/chase.   Once these events took place, Duke had a hard time forgetting them and became more and more withdrawn.  I could tell over the last several days that he just wasn't happy at school.  He began to hide when he saw children and even some adults.   

While I am upset at having to let go of Duke, I know that this is what is best. 
1.  This is what is best for my students, they need a positive experience with a dog more than excited to see them.
2.  This is what is best for Duke, he needs a working environment where he feels safe and welcome. 
3.  This is what is best for whichever child or adult with a medical need gets him next, Duke is a very loving dog with lots of attention to give to someone in need.
4.  I wish I could say that this is what is best for my family and myself, but I'm just not there yet!  YES!  There are tears(ugly crying) and heartbreak.  I promise you that no one needs to see our family tonight. We are heartbroken.  We are spending our time loving Duke and cherishing our time with a dog who has taught us a lot in his short time with our family.  After the loss of Buddy in May, we weren't sure we would want another dog for awhile, but we treated Duke's arrival as "Fate".  And at this point, "Fate" has another plan for him.  As for myself, I am not sure what my fate will be with the school program.  I have been asked to consider another dog in a few months.  I will keep my heart and mind open and make a decision when the time comes.

As I close my final entry on Duke, I would like to leave you with a few thoughts.

1.  Service dogs are not pets.  They are performing a duty to their handler.  Please do not distract or try to pet them without permission.  This COULD mean the difference in life or death.  If you are told no or passed by service dog without acknowledgement, just go with it....their not there for you anyway.

2.  Show and teach your children respect for animals.  Animals have feelings too.  They don't want to be bullied.  They want to be loved.

3.  Healthy dogs are happy dogs.  Exercise and diet are way more important than you think.

4.  Just like your children, every dog is different.  Personalities can vary greatly.

5.  Rescued dogs are the best!  They have so much love to give.  If you are not willing to return that love, get a cat! haha!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Certification and Graduation

Duke and I spent this weekend training and passing a certification test along with other service dogs and their handlers.  We were very fortunate to have a wonderful trainer named Beth.  Beth is a former inmate of the prison where Duke was initially trained.  Beth's skills and knowledge in training are superb.  Beth told us how training service dogs has and continues to change her life.   Throughout the weekend, Beth had myself and others in tears several times.  She spoke of a less than wonderful childhood where she did not feel love or acceptance.  During this time in her life, she made choices that ultimately ended in her losing her freedom.  It was in prison where she became a part of a service dog training program.  She was credited with being one of the first trainers.  Through the program she learned life skills, coping mechanisms, and ultimately found the love and acceptance that she craved.  What I found most inspiring about Beth is that upon her release from prison, she continues to gives back to others through her works with Service Dogs Alabama.

I should have known just by looking around that I would be an emotional wreck at graduation.  As recipients stood and shared how their dogs have changed their lives, the tears started flowing.  When my husband joked on me for crying on stage, I responded that, "How could I not?  They put my favorite things together.... dogs mixed in with teaching, great kids, and Veterans."  A final question was asked to all on stage, "Did you get the dog you need/matched personality/right for you?"  I knew everyone would raise their hand, but as I looked around(their were pictures of handlers with their dogs) I saw it was really true.  I saw a little girl with poodle(sparkly collar included) and a boy with a golden retriever on a paddle board in the water!  I saw grown men with large Labrador retrievers, and then their was me with Duke.  I do believe that Duke and I are meant to make a difference together.  My hope is inspired by Beth.  I hope that Duke and I will be able to offer love and acceptance to the children in our school and community.  I hope that this love and acceptance inspires them to do great things that make a positive impact on the world around them.

Check out all the press about graduation!

Service Dogs Alabama Graduation-WSFA news story

Service Dogs Saving Lives WAKA news story -See Beth's Interview

Service Dogs Pave the Way -Montgomery Advertiser article

Duke and his Batman bowtie

Some of the Elmore County Service dogs, their handlers(teachers),
Superintendent Dr. Harrison and Claire Moore

Friday, July 24, 2015

Summer's almost over...

Next week will be my last official week of Summer 2015, so I spent a few minutes today putting a few last minute touches on things in my classroom.  I am so excited to have the opportunity to have Duke in my fourth grade class this year.  I have been thinking non stop on ways that he can be incorporated into our class.  I have decided that since the first week of school is usually spent covering procedures and expectations that I want to include Duke in that process as well.  So off to  I went.  I found several fiction and non fiction books.  My favorite book is "Adventures of Sheila that Therapy Dog" because is so much like Duke's story.  Sheila is a black lab that was rescued from a shelter and trained to be a school service dog.  How awesome is that!  I'm thinking we can use a few reading strategies for this one.  Maybe a compare and contrast chart.....hmm seems like the possibilities are endless.  Some of the other books will help in setting expectations and procedures about how to handle Duke in our classroom.  They will also help to explain what Duke's purpose in school.
 Another thing I really wanted to do was introduce Duke to parents at open house.  Knowing that I would be very busy talking with my new students and parents, I decided that a bulletin board outside my room would be a great way to introduce and inform them about Duke.  This will also give the other classes on our hall a glimpse at Duke before we set up a meet and greet time.

 I bought the cute fabric from Joann's Craft store.  I love the print.  It has scribbled dogs running around fire hydrants and the black fabric border has bones on it.  How appropriate!  I cut out a black silhouette with the service dog vest and had it laminated.  We added a few paw prints for instant recognition.

I then added a picture of Duke and some of his basic facts.  I also put a brief summary of why he is in our school and things we can learn from him along with a few reminders on how to treat him.
I think the finished product is AMAZING! 
Next on my list is to finish a power point  presentation to show the faculty during our in-service week.  Our teachers are so excited and supportive of the K-9 for schools program and have asked for a brief overview and what they can do to help. So, since they asked they will receive!  I've already found my first picture to use...
That's Duke and Popcorn!  They are adorable separately, but when you put them together it's cuteness overload.  I can't imagine anyone groaning about looking at these two faces for a few minutes during a quick overview of the dogs and how to welcome them to school.  Can you?

Friday, July 17, 2015

It should be a be this HANDSOME!

Today we ventured out into the real world.  We went to Office Depot to pick up some things for school and print out some posters.  While waiting on the copy center to finish our order, it became evident that I have a criminal on my hands!  Duke had stolen the hearts of no less than 3 workers and 2 customers.  He is so adorable.  He was so well behaved and just all around AMAZING!  I am super excited to see him work with the kids. 

They said it could take up to 2 weeks for us to bond.  I think that bond is already starting to "stick".  He is always with me and I couldn't be happier.  Just look at those eyes!  BEAUTIFUL! 

I have been making lessons for my students to acclimate them to having a 4 legged 4th grader.  One of the things I have run across is a list of things we can learn from a dog... some of them include..

Talk less, listen more.
Complain less, be thankful more.
Eat junk less, eat healthy more.
Be selfish less, think of others more.
Hurry less, be patient more.
Guess less, study more.
Growl less, smile more.
Worry less, trust more.
Judge less, accept more.

As I have watched Duke today, it made me want to be a better person.  Duke offers his love and comfort to help those in need without question.  So I found it fitting when I found this quote from the Duke of Cambridge, better known as Prince William.  He said, "People say it's not ambitious, but it is actually quite ambitious wanting to help people". 

May we all strive to be ambitious like Duke!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Meet Duke

He's here!  He's here!  Duke is finally here.  There were a few bumps in the road along the way, but we made it.  

We picked up Duke last night and he did so well.  He is really playful.  He loves to play fetch and demolish squeaky toys.  He seemed to like the family and the family liked him instantly.  He slept through the night without any problems.  We have been told that he will experience some sadness or depression during this transition time so we are keeping a close eye on him.

This morning we went to training together.  I feel like we are doing well.  We do pretty good with sit, shake, leave it, and down.  We have been working on stay and belly rubs this afternoon.  We will keep on working when we get a list of other commands.  The good thing is that Duke already knows what to do, this time I'm the student. 

He is such a sweet boy. At least everyone that meets him seems to think so.  While at school today, Duke got to meet a few of our coworkers, some children of our coworkers, a few friends, and some of the Wetumpka Fire Department who were at school helping to get things ready for the new school year.  I can already tell that he is going to love 4th grade.  After school, we stopped by the bank where Dad works and did a few introductions.  He was quite impressive.  Then we went to the pet store to pick up some supplies and food.  Again, so many people commented about him being so well behaved. 

As I close this entry I want to leave you with a quote from the original "Duke", John Wayne.  He once said, "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday".  This is so fitting for Duke and I at this point in our journey together.  We learned a little yesterday and a little bit more today.  All this learning leaves me excited about my tomorrows with Duke.

So my question to you is, "What will you do with what you learned today in your tomorrow?"

Monday, July 6, 2015

Why are we here?

There's a saying that diamonds are a girls best friend, but my best friends have always been of the 4 legged variety.  As I thought about this first post, I reminisced about all the dogs that have put a paw print on my heart at some point in my life.   They are....Maggie, Shermie, Buddy, Shadow, Cocoa, and Puppy.  When I think about my childhood, I am so grateful to have had some of these friends by my side.  Now that I am grown with a child of my own, I can't imagine not sharing the love of a dog with my own son.  Besides love and companionship, I am a firm beliver that dogs can provide children with life lessons and skills.

Sooooooo...why am i telling you all of this?  Well, it is with much excitement that I announce that I will have a full-time service/therapy dog in my 4th grade classroom this year. We will be participating in a pilot program for my school system and Service Dogs in Alabama.  This program will put 10 therapy dogs in our schools for the purpose of providing a little bit of love and compassion to students so that we can focus on core issues instead of behaviors.

I have been excitedly preparing our home and my classroom for our new arrival. I  can't wait to share our adventures with you.   First, we will spend some time training and then we will work, play, and live our lives together.  I am not sure what dog I will get at this time.  I will meet them on July 13th and can't wait to introduce you to them soon after.